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was birthed by divine intervention. It was given to the founder through a partnership, and her vision was instantly born. The founder is a "Disabled US Navy Veteran" who loves to read, write, and edit. Scales Publishing allows the founder to perform her passion daily. She doesn't call it working because she loves what she does. Scales Publishing also allows her to follow her other passion of helping others. "Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:4. 


is striving to be a premier leader in the self-publishing assist arena. The company is dedicated to making sure all clients successfully and happily get his or her voice heard. This is any upcoming authors', "Time to measure up!" Meaning it is time to measure up to his/her own potential by feeling a sense of accomplishment.  We want to help the upcoming author fulfill that accomplishment. "There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up" - John Holmes.

You, the author, are successful because, 

"It's your time to measure up!" 


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